
Looking for Physical Therapy in Armonk?

Looking for Physical Therapy in Armonk?

Looking for Physical Therapy in Armonk?

ProClinix Is The Place To Go For Physical Therapy In Armonk

Many patients find relief in pain management through physical therapy. Physical therapy involves many different types of treatments and exercises in order to relieve pain and get you moving again. The doctors at ProClinix are the place to go for physical therapy in Armonk. Listed below are just a few of the ways we can help you be at your best:

Improve Mobility

If you are having a hard time walking, standing, or moving around because of pain, a physical therapist can help you get moving again. No matter the age, physical therapists are able to provide help and therapy for everyone. We help kids recover from a broken bones, help find the right fit for older adults with walkers and canes, and everything in between physical therapists are trained to help increase the mobility of people at all stages of life. This is what makes us different from other health care providers.

Sports Injury Prevention and Recovery

Physical therapists understand the risks that come with playing sports and can help you better understand the best ways to avoid injury while playing certain sports. One example would be helping a runner with specific exercises to prevent stress fractures. Also, physical therapists can help injured athletes recover faster from sports injuries with specific plans of care. If you aren’t able to play the sport you love because of an injury, call us today.

Manage Age-Related Issues

Physical therapists can keep adults more mobile and more fit as they age. As people get older, joint issues like arthritis and bone conditions like osteoporosis may develop and eventually require surgery. Physical therapy can help keep you strong and moving before you get to that point.

This is what MoveForwardPT has to say about the benefits of physical therapy:

Physical therapists are evidence-based health care professionals who offer cost-effective treatment that improves mobility and relieves pain, reduces the need for surgery and prescription drugs, and allows patients to participate in a recovery plan designed for their specific needs.

Physical therapists are experts in improving mobility and motion. Pain-free movement is crucial to your quality of daily life, your ability to earn a living, your ability to pursue your favorite leisure activities, and so much more.

Physical therapists routinely work collaboratively with their patients. Treatment plans can be designed for the patient’s individual goals, challenges, and needs. Receiving treatment by a physical therapist is rarely a passive activity, and participating in your own recovery can be empowering. In many cases, patients develop an ongoing relationship with their physical therapist to maintain optimum health and movement abilities across the lifespan. Reference –

If you’re looking for a physical therapist in Armonk, or for more information about how physical therapy can help you manage your pain, call us today at (914) 202-0700.

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