Electrical Stimulation Therapy Armonk, Pleasantville, Ardsley, West Harrison, NY

Electrical Stimulation Therapy

Find Fast Pain Relief With Electrical Stimulation

Did You Know Electrical Stimulation Therapy Could Help Relieve Your Pain?

Electrical stimulation therapy may seem daunting, but it is actually a very beneficial way to relieve pain.

Electrical stimulation is a safe and effective method of treatment that can provide pain relief and recovery for several conditions.

A standard electrical stimulation device utilizes self-adhesive electrodes placed around the target treatment area on the body. The electrodes are then connected via wire leads to the unit, through which electricity can pass and ultimately interact with sensory and/or motor nerves.

Are you suffering from a painful injury or condition? If so, electrical stimulation may be the answer. Request an appointment with ProClinix Sports Physical Therapy & Chiropractic in Armonk, Pleasantville, Ardsley, Tarrytown, Larchmont & West Harrison, NY today to learn more.

Is electrical stimulation painful?

To put it simply – no! The intensity of the electrical muscle stimulation or sensory nerve stimulation can be easily modified to the tolerance of each patient.

Electrical stimulation contains a variety of different modes to stimulate the nerves in different ways.

These modes all consist of different currents, and the current you are prescribed will be dependent upon the nature of your condition and its severity.

The different types of modes include transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), interferential, pre-modulated, Russian, and symmetrical or asymmetrical bi-phasic.

Some patients report feeling a small sensation, such as a “tingly,” “prickly,” or “pins and needles” feeling.

When used for muscle strengthening, electrical stimulation can sometimes become a bit uncomfortable, but it should never result in pain.

Find relief for your pain today!

If you are interested in learning more about electrical stimulation, or if you think it could benefit you, contact ProClinix Sports Physical Therapy & Chiropractic today to request an appointment.

We’ll get you started on the path toward pain relief and recovery!

Your Next Steps…

  1. Request An Appointment

  2. Receive A Custom Treatment Plan

  3. Work Hard and Progress In Your Recovery

  4. Recover & Enjoy Life Pain-Free!